Everyone can use a little guidance, whether you’re a brand-new volunteer or a seasoned veteran. The resources on this page will help you along the way in your volunteer journey. Whether you’re looking for guidance on managing troop finances or need help planning your first year of meetings, you’ll find everything you need.
Member engagement is a key part of Girl Scouts of Northern California's strategy as we strive to honor the voice of our adult and youth membership. Our governance system, with elected or appointed delegates serving as voting members of the council, is the main way for members to give input to our Board of Directors.
All delegates attend the council’s Annual Meeting to cast their votes and make their voices heard, and National Delegates vote at the National Council Session of GSUSA, held every 3 years. Learn more about these delegate positions and how you can get involved today!
Keep the fun going! Renew your Girl Scout membership for another awesomeyear of friendships, adventures, and making a difference.
RENEW NOWMany of your must-have tools, like gsLearn and the Volunteer Toolkit, are accessible when you log in to MyGS —always accessible via the icon on the upper right corner of our website.