"I didn’t have a lot of opportunity growing up in a low-income area of New Orleans. My grandmother funded my first year of Girl Scouts, through cookie sales I was able to continue and I did several years of camp through camperships. Girl Scouts gave me the confidence to enlist and serve in the Coast Guard for fifteen years, earn my degree and essentially claw my way out of poverty. I would not have been able to do that if Girl Scouts wasn’t in my life. I want to make sure all our girls have these opportunities."
—Charissa Ramp, Juliette Gordon Low Society Member
Juliette Gordon Low Society members have made a commitment to share their legacy with the next generation of Girl Scouts by leaving a gift, of any amount, in their will, trust, or other account for Girl Scouts of Northern California.
By becoming a Juliette Gordon Low Society Member, you support the Girl Scouts experience: life-changing, girl-led programming that will launch her into a lifetime of leadership and building positive change—for her, for you, and for all of us.
Most importantly, you will provide a place for girls to practice the skills they'll need to lead in every sphere in life. You help girls prepare themselves to become the leaders of tomorrow, to see that their potential is unlimited, and to pursue their dreams.
Let us know that you are a Juliettte Gordon Low Society Member so we can recognize you and provide you with membership benefits. Simply fill out our form and send it to:
Fund Development
1301 Marina Village Parkway, Suite 200, Alameda, CA 94501
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Become a member of the Juliette Gordon Low Society by making a planned gift today.